What is Six Sigma?
What is Six Sigma? What is Lean Six Sigma?In this article we will explore the topic to get a better understanding.Six Sigma focuses on minimising process variation and improving process control, whereas lean encourages work standardization and flow by eliminating waste (non-value-added processes and procedures). Because process improvement involves elements of both methodologies to achieve positive results, the boundary between Six Sigma and lean have blurred, with the term “lean Six Sigma” being used more and more frequently.
What is Lean Six Sigma?
Lean Six Sigma is a data-driven, fact-based improvement philosophy that prioritises defect avoidance above fault discovery. It improves customer satisfaction and bottom-line results by lowering variance, waste, and cycle time while encouraging work standardisation and flow, resulting in a competitive advantage. It applies whenever there is variety of waste, and every employee should be a part of it.
Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology for removing problems, reducing waste and inefficiency, and improving working conditions to better respond to client requests.It integrates Lean and Six Sigma tools, processes, and ideas into a single popular and influential methodology for improving your company’s operations.
The team-oriented strategy of Lean Six Sigma has produced proven outcomes for enterprises worldwide in terms of increasing efficiency and substantially growing profitability.
What is Six Sigma benefits?
Six Sigma is a methodology that provides tools and techniques to analyse each step of a process.
Six Sigma
raise bottom-line profit,
increases customer satisfaction,
improves product and service quality,
and develop the leadership and project management competence of employees.
It is a systematic way of thinking to solve quality problems. Six Sigma is not a mere methodology but a philosophy. Six Sigma is among the foremost methodologies for making business processes more efficient and effective.
In addition to administering a culture committed to continuous process improvement. Six Sigma tools and techniques help to minimize process variations. It also eradicates problems by helping to identify the root causes of these problems. Thereby encouraging organizations to produce better products and services for consumers.
People become professionals in Six Sigma by earning belts at each level of accomplishment. These include White Belts, Yellow Belts, Sigma Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts.
The importance of Six Sigma cannot be overemphasized because it makes the Organization Systems Driven. Six Sigma competence is impossible to achieve if the mode of production used by the organization is craft production. To be good enough to run processes that have less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities, organizations need to be systems dependent. Therefore, Six Sigma encourages a people-driven organization into a process-driven one.
Six Sigma Customers detests unreliability in organizations. Variation in services and products leads to customer dissatisfaction and ultimately reduced profit. There are several case studies of organizations that implemented Six Sigma has reduced operational costs and increased market share.
Hence, Six Sigma plays a vital role in positively impacting the marketing of the firm. One of the great importance of Six Sigma projects is that it improves business systems. Hence the organization can administer systems.
Six Sigma projects realise a large amount of their financial value from their ability to eliminate or at least minimize wastage. Since the process is critically evaluated for costs and corresponding value addition, procedures are taken to end wastage. This phase continues until new opportunities for improvements arise, and then, the DMAIC cycle runs from start all over again.
Six Sigma Methods?
Six Sigma uses the DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control) problem-solving methodology to improve processes.
“How precisely does Lean Six Sigma work?” you might question. Please continue reading to learn everything there is to know about it, including what it is, why it matters, and how to do it properly.
Lean Six Sigma consists of three major components.
- A comprehensive set of tools and analytical procedures used for identifying and solving problems.
- Process and methodology:Â A set of steps that organises the application of problem-solving tools to ensure that the genuine underlying causes and a solution are fully applied.
- Mindset and culture:
A method of thinking that focuses on data processes to meet operational performance targets and improve over time.
These three components work together to create a powerful effect. Analytical procedures are ineffective unless they are applied systematically, and a mindset of continual improvement establishes the need for them. The tools and techniques that define the activity of the process steps and a culture that focuses on a systemic data-based approach to issue solving are required for an improvement process to generate the intended results.
Finally, if there are no tools and techniques for analysis and no process or methodology for organising and focusing improvement activities, a culture that tries to improve continuously will be frustrated. Fortunately, the Lean Six Sigma method of corporate improvement includes all three layers.
Let’s look at the history of Lean Six Sigma and how the many components of the technique came together to become the process improvement methodology we know today.
What does it mean to be constantly improving?
Frederick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management inspired the development of continuous improvement as a company strategy and discipline. Business, according to Taylor, is a set of interconnected workflows or processes that control data.
Walter Shewhart created a set of management disciplines for process control and improvement in the 1930s. Taylor’s business workflow concepts and dependence on data were the foundations for these disciplines. Shewhart’s work forms the foundation for today’s Quality Assurance and Quality Control engineering and management disciplines.
Edward Deming, a student, and apprentice of Shewhart’s, used these concepts to transform Japan’s automotive sector after WWII into a global quality and technology powerhouse.
Why should you learn Lean Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a methodology that equips companies with the tools to optimise their processes. This improvement in performance and reduction in process variance leads to lower defect and cost rates and higher profits, productivity, staff morale, and product or service quality.
“Six Sigma (6) quality” is a word used to describe a well-controlled process (within process limitations three from the centre line in a control chart and requirements/tolerance limits six from the centre line).
From total novice to advanced, and on your road to certification, you may study at all Six Sigma levels and apply changes to your industry with ASQ or IASSC or Council of Six Sigma Certifications.
What would be the most beneficial course for me to take?JK Michaels Institute offers different level of certifications in the three major institutes.
What is Six Sigma Certifications?
We offer IASSC(International Association of Six Sigma Certification USA):
IASSC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
IASSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
IASSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
Also, ASQ(American Society of Quality) Certifications:
ASQ LSSÂ Yellow Belt
ASQ LSSÂ Green Belt
ASQ LSSÂ Black Belt
and CSSC (Council of Six Sigma Certification) Certifications
CSSC Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
CSSC Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
CSSC Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
To learn more about the difference between IASSC vs ASQ vs CSSC
ASQ can help you advance your career and follow you on your learning journey by providing learning and certification preparation at all skill and career levels and for all sectors.
We collaborate on all of our content with the best subject matter experts. Live courses are taught by adequately vetted and highly experienced instructors with an average of 25 years of expertise.
You get to decide where and when you want to go: We provide live (virtual or face-to-face) and e-learning learning options, allowing you or your corporate team to study from anywhere, at any time.
The ASQ’s power at your disposal:Â Get all of the learning and knowledge tools you need in our catalogue, and join ASQ to save big on all learning courses and understand why ASQ has been serving the quality industry for 75 years.
JK Michaels institute also offers other products and courses, including Lean Six Sigma Certification Courses|Online Training, CSSC SIX SIGMA YELLOW BELT, CSSC GREEN BELT CERTIFICATION, ACTION LEAN SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT. (Opens in a new browser tab and SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT™ IASSC.
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