Certified Scrum Master certification training helps you gain a high degree of proficiency in the processes of the Scrum Methodology. The training you receive from this workshop will help you deliver high-performing, controlled projects with quality results.
This Certified Scrum Master course is appropriate for all process and team-oriented leaders including, senior project team members, project managers, stakeholders, managers, product owners, and anyone who wants a deeper understanding in not only what agile and Scrum are, but more importantly why they work and how to effectively lead a Scrum team.
Multiple Choice
100 questions per exam
One mark awarded for every right answer
No negative marks for wrong answers
120 minutes duration
Proctored online exam.
Current Pass Rate: 95%
Reference book: A Guide to Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK™ Guide) by SCRUMstudy
Scrum Master Certified (SMC)
Now it’s time to make the commitment to prepare for — and pass — the exam. Carving out time and securing the proper materials to study requires discipline and focus. As a project professional, you’ve got what it takes.
Pad Your Schedule
Visit the Test Center in advance so you can:
Know precisely how to get there.
Find the room immediately on test day.
Test-day tip: Arrive 30 minutes early so you have time to relax before you start the exam.
Know Your Limits
230 Minutes – Time Allotted for Exam Completion
Two 10-minute breaks for computer-based tests. No scheduled breaks for the paper-based exam.
Prove It’s You
Make sure your ID is:
And It Includes:
Your photo
Your signature
Stuff You Don’t Need
Built into computer-based tests
Scratch Paper and Pencils or Erasable Boards and Markers
Provided by test administrators
Results – Just Like That
Computer-Based Testing
You’ll find out if you passed before you leave.
- JK Michaels is a PMI accredited ATP(Authorized Training Partner)
- Earn 30 PDUs with Practical, live instructor led sessions
- Ace the exam with 30 day, 60 day study plan by experts 2000 Free exam simulation question bank
- Introduction to predictive and Agile software(microsoft project +JIRA) Poject Leadership Quotients Assessment
- Regular monthly webinars,revisions and exam support.
- Action-oriented learning through case studies,role plays ,games e.t.c